Lost in the Pacific
<span”>LOST IN THE PACIFIC, Blue Crush in French Polynesia.
<span”>Have you ever dreamt of getting lost on an Island surrounded by wild nature and white sandy beaches ? That was our dream too and we want to share it with you here !
<span”>It all started in Tahiti with a sail boat and a luggage filled with bikinis. The whole Bain de Minuit team is ready to leave Marina Tahina for a mind-blowing adventure sailing among 8 islands and numerous atolls…
<span”>Carnet de Route
<span”>Bora Bora
<span”>First Stop : MOOREA
<span”>Surrounded by an bewitching blue lagoon, Moorea shines brightly with its emerald green cliffs and sunsets here are probably the most incredible we have experienced.
<span”>Snorkel in the Lagoonarium of Moorea, This site is a protected reserve like most places in French Polynesia and you can swim among sharks, rays and more fish than you could ever imagine.
<span”>Whales Watching in Moorea is an once in a lifetime experience if you happened to be in Tahiti or Moorea between the months of July and November. French Polynesia has been a sanctuary for whales and dolphins since 2002. The most beautiful of it all is to experience swimming with them in their natural habitat and with a respectful approach.
<span”>The name Huahine, a variation of the Tahitian word vahiné (woman), refers to the mountain ridge of the island resembling the outline of a pregnant woman – symbol of the island’s fertility.
<span”>Green, Green and more Green ! A crush on this enchanted island that appeared to us as the equivalent to the Garden of Eden. What we loved the most ? This endless tropical jungle filled with coconut plantations, orchids, and other tropical gems ! Huahiné, as all the other islands of French Polynesia, stayed untouched and wild. It seems like no humans has ever came here. Huahiné will undoubtedly leave you speechless !
<span”>RAIATEA and TAHAA
<span”>Those mountainous islands you can see on the horizon from Huahiné may appear to be one island, but in reality …it is two !
<span”>Raiatea and Tahaa, both are enclosed by a barrier reef. Blue Lagoon. We had a lot of rain during our stay in the Leeward Islands but it allowed us to shoot our swimwear line differently than we are used to. We shot on film and inside the sail boat for these 2 days. We loved it and think it gave a more intimate sight of our trip. Here is one picture of Laura -Bain de Minuit Swim founder -, wearing the Lolita Bottom in the malabar pink color.
<span”>BORA BORA
<span”>Heaven on Earth found ! Wandering in crystal clear waters all day with sometimes only bottoms on …and some snorkel and fins ! Bora Bora is a sweet escape if you are luring to get lost, you should definitely mark this one in your bucket list !
<span”>On the menu for us : endless swim In the sea, skinny dipping at sunset, amazing diner shared on the boat, showers on the deck and many more… we call it Life itself or pura vida !
<span”>Last Stops: RANGIROA and TIKEHAU
<span”>This is the very end of the summer and we have to leave our beloved sailboat and his captain to catch a plane for Rangiroa. Rangiroa is accessible with a 45minutes flight from Tahiti and some other main islands.
<span”>Arriving there is seeing something completely different than the other islands we have visited previously. The whole Bain de Minuit Team jumps in the new sailboat waiting for us and meet his captain.
<span”>Diving, diving…. And diving again is our plan for the next week coming. If you find yourself lucky, you will be able, like us, to encounter dolphins underwater in the famous Tiputa Pass. So, first dive to about 85ft (25meters) down and suddenly we spot a pod of dolphins coming our way… closer and closer, they now make physical contact with us and an other dream come true.
<span”>*Some Dolphins Tales: Some Polynesians told us that once, a long time ago, a dolphin came very close to a diver and started to play with him. The same dolphin then, taught his pod to come and play with divers in the same area. Since then, dolphins are used to come, whenever they like, to meet with divers. This is actually one of the only place on earth where you can play with this kind of dolphins in the wild while being respectful of them.
<span”>Keep your eyes wide open if you visit French Polynesia … you may also spot mermaids wearing their Bain de Minuit swimwear !